Asheville, North Carolina | Hasselblad 500cm | Azzari Jarrett

We spent a couple of days in Asheville, North Carolina for New Years.  My husband and I really love Asheville and our girls particularly love visiting the Biltmore Estate.

It was cold and overcast during our visit, which is actually my favorite for taking pictures.  I only brought my hasselblad for this trip, and I was stopped more than once by people asking about it.  

As you can imagine - taking the time to compose the photo, looking down into the viewfinder to manually focus, clicking the loud shutter, winding the crank, and finally pulling out film from the polaroid back, definitely takes me a considerable amount of time and brings a few stares by the strangers standing around me.  I'm pretty comfortable with this process and I've gotten over this.  Over the years I've learned that people are more or less just curious about why I am shooting with a camera that is older than me versus a digital camera, which is always a conversation starter!

You can actually see my behind-the-scenes process for shooting with my hasselblad and polaroid back in this video.

Biltmore Estate, Asheville, North Carolina | Hasselblad 500cm | Azzari Jarrett
Asheville, North Carolina | Hasselblad 500cm | Azzari Jarrett

And in keeping with a little behind-the-scenes to show my process - below is the actual image on Fuji FP 100c instant film

Hasselblad 500cm | Fuji FP 100c Film | Azzari Jarrett

I simply scan the photo and crop it before posting.

I definitely didn't get all the photos I wanted for this trip, but it's always a give and take between being present in the moment and documenting the moment.  And I am happy I did a bit of both!

You can see more of my film images here.


Finishing Up Project Life 2015


December Layouts with Paislee Press