
Film. Ilford Delta 400

It's amazing how attached I am to this little space.  I've been away for a week, and it seems like eternity because I am so used to blogging in my daily routine.  We are preparing for a family move, and as stressful as that may be,  I know that I can always return here for my love of photography.

I'm excited to share photos from my first roll of black and white film.  I find that I compose entirely differently when I know a roll of black and white film is loaded in my camera.  Just knowing that the absence of color can make a striking image!  I especially love the first image - from the beginning of the roll, overexposed, but I love the effect.  It's as though I took a pencil and erased the entire left hand side.

I have a few more to share with you this week ~




busy, busy