On Saturday, I spent the afternoon with close friends.  Friends that I've known for over a decade.  We've truly grown up together - through college, numerous moves around the country, marriage, kids - it's amazing how our friendship has evolved through it all.

And as you can see, their home is bathed with beautiful light.  The kind of light that warms conversation and casts beautiful shadows into the early evening hours.

Their home is a place where you immediately feel at ease.  I'm sure you know the feeling - it radiates from these images.  Shoes come off at the door as warm smiles and hugs greet you.  And as you sink down on the sofa, your feet automatically tuck right underneath you - because there is a familiarity that comes with knowing you are welcome.  You are truly at home.

And this last image below was taken by my good friend, Trey - his very first shot with the hassie.  It was actually my first time letting someone else hold her, let alone take a photo!  I enjoyed showing him how to look through the viewfinder, focus, press the shutter, and pull out the film.  He guarded it closely as it developed, and carefully peeled apart the film to reveal the image he had just taken.  Simply having a physical photo in your hand, mere seconds after you take it, is priceless.  I think he just might love the hassie just as much as I do.  It's quite addicting.


sometimes life happens


cameras here and there