Amazed that it is April already.  2015, slow down...

Listening to my body and took a rest.  I did not intend to be away from my blog for a week - but the demands of motherhood will always come first and foremost.  My youngest was sick with a really bad cold and just as she was starting to feel better, I became sick.  And sometimes it's best to just step away and rest, refuel.  It was very much needed.  

Inspired by Sarah's film images from last summer. And Jade's instant black and white film captures in New York. 

Designed a set of flair badges for Scrapbook and More, complete with phrases of my favorites - film, coffee, documenting. Loved how they turned out & I can't wait to use these in my project life spreads.  More soon.

Loving Kari's black and white project life layout.  So good.

Getting so close to the launch and pre-order of On The Table, Volume 2 - a collection of film images all taken on my kitchen table.  Don't forget to sign up for my newsletter for up-to-the-minute updates. 

Looking forward to spending this Easter weekend with my parents.  I love the holidays when we are together.



On The Table, Volume 2 - Now Available for Pre-Order


March Layouts with Paislee Press