Travels | Québec City, Part 2

More pictures from our trip to Québec City, Québec. You can see my first installment here.

Azzari Jarrett | Film | Quebec City

We stayed at the Auberge Saint-Antoine and I highly recommend it.  Located in the Vieux Port of Québec City, it was so convenient to walk everywhere. Such a quaint hotel, and one of my favorite parts of our visit was simply enjoying the room.

Azzari Jarrett | Film | Quebec City

We had our own expresso maker in the room, and we spent early afternoons with the windows wide open enjoying a daily cup of expresso.  I enjoyed it so much that when we returned, I promptly ordered my own expresso machine.

Azzari Jarrett | Film | Québec City
Azzari Jarrett | Film | Québec City

The view from right outside our window.

Azzari Jarrett | Film | Québec City
Azzari Jarrett | Film | Québec City
Azzari Jarrett | Film | Québec City

Side note: I have been using Glossier skincare and makeup products for a while now and I absolutely love them. May warrant a separate post, if you are interested.

Azzari Jarrett | Film | Québec City
Azzari Jarrett | Film | Québec City

A little wine to celebrate our anniversary in at Bar Artéfact.

Azzari Jarrett | Film | Québec City

Night view of Château Frontenac, the most photographed hotel in the world.

All images taken with my Pentax K1000 and a mix of Kodak Portra 400 35mm film.

One more installment of photos coming up - our day trip to Île d'Orléans, a quaint island about 15 minutes from downtown Québec City.


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Travels | Québec City, Part 1