the last of my 600 film

Polaroid 600 film

The first two images from my last pack of polaroid film..... I'm not quite sure why I held on to this pack for so long.  Maybe I was waiting on a grand trip to someplace special?  I've decided to devote it to capturing my everyday.  I don't need a special occasion, right?

I'm working on two photography projects that I'd like to share with you.  Currently, a visual journal is a little place where I collect images I take on my iphone.  These are images that I post on instagram, but I wanted a better place to view them online.  You can see the original polaroid above here.

Secondly, I have decided to do a 365 project once again this year.  I have titled it, the seemingly mundane - everyday captures of my life that may seem mundane to most, but are little captures of beauty in my day to day life.  I plan to use a variety of different mediums for this project to keep my creativity flowing - instant film, 35mm, but the majority of images in this project are digital.   I happen to like the variety.  Daily updates will probably not happen, but I will upload my daily pictures as my schedule permits.

And finally, I'm enjoying Maegan and Corinne's new collaboration - Thoughtfully Irrelevant.

Please feel free to share any projects that you are working on, or any creative projects that you are enjoying right now - I'd love to know.




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