Documenting November with Project Life

Even though I am currently working on my December Daily album, I am really trying to finish up documenting November in my project life album.  

Here's a recent spread I wanted to share with you.

November Project Life | Azzari Jarrett

I love switching up page protectors.  I think it keeps my album interesting, and I love changing the orientation of photos.  For this layout, I am using a Design L page protector.

The 6x4 inch journal cards are from the Everyday Edition Core Kit and the Midnight Core Kit.

I usually convert to black and white when the colors of my photos from the week are all over the place, which was the case for this week in November.

November Project Life | Azzari Jarrett

I used gold acrylic paint to apply this Heidi Swap silkscreen "just be your beautiful self" - love the results. I learned this technique from Tina's mixed media class, and I know I will definitely use this in more of my work.

November Project Life | Azzari Jarrett

I am already starting to think about my 2016 plans for project life, and I think I am going to switch things up a bit.  

What are your plans for documenting 2016?


Currently - December


Late Fall Citrus Harvest