Currently - December

Hasselblad, Fuji FP100c | Azzari Jarrett

I can't believe it is the middle of December, already.  

Our days are filled with winter recitals and performances, holiday parties, and end of the year activities.  As much as I love this time of the year, I know it is essential to carve out quiet time for myself.  All it really takes is simply picking up a camera (any one that is loaded with film), quietly composing the image, and pressing the shutter.  Goodness, indeed.

Here are a few things I have been enjoying this month.

Loving Kirstin's 5 tips for winter mobile photography. Equally mesmerized by her film images from Santorini, Greece.

Inspired by Andrea's progress on her December Daily album.  I am currently working on my own album, and I'm planning on sharing an update soon.

Sad that the iconic holga film camera is now dead. 

Excited to try some of Ashley's techniques for including photos and artistic backgrounds in her traveler's notebook. 

Sharing 3 ways to creatively store your instant film photos over at Viewfinders last week.  I always love when I am invited to guest post there.

Stumbled on this article, and I couldn't agree more with #4 and #7.

What have been enjoying lately?


December Daily 2015


Documenting November with Project Life