Travels | Worcester, UK

Worcester | Azzari Jarrett

Last month, my husband and I attended a family wedding in Worcester, UK.  Located in the West Midlands, Worcester is about a 4 hour drive from London and the home of Worcestershire sauce

Visiting the English countryside was definitely a treat for us, we love getting out of the hustle and bustle of the city.  Here are a few captures with my iPhone.

Worcester | Azzari Jarrett

So much greenery and so quaint!

Worcester | Azzari Jarrett

Scenes from the wedding and the happy couple.

London | Azzari Jarrett

Waiting for the reception in the dining hall.  Love this capture of me and my aunt, taken by my brother-in-law.

Worcester | Azzari Jarrett

The details, the details, the details.

Worcester | Azzari Jarrett

The lovely bed and breakfast were we stayed.  I captured this right as the sun was setting. 

We will most definitely be back!  I have a few more photos from London, coming soon.


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