Currently - July

Currently, July | Azzari Jarrett

Soaking up this last month of summer before my girls head off to school.

Catching up on project life, and it feels good! I love documenting our days, but most importantly, getting those photos printed.

Enjoying all of the tomatoes we are getting this summer from the garden.

Inspired by the film photography of Chinwe Edeani.

Realizing that the humidity this summer is too much for me, and moving my morning run indoors (via the treadmill).

Finding that I prefer Pinterest on my iPhone rather than my desktop.  I'm overloaded with so many photos displayed on desktop versus three or four at a time on my iPhone.

Planning a shop update for next week, be sure to sign up for my newsletter for a special discount for subscribers.


A Look Back | Week In The Life


Photo Life 02: Finding Your Creative Voice