August - Currently

August In the Garden | Azzari Jarrett
August in the Garden | Azzari Jarrett

Eating cherry tomatoes from my garden at least twice a week.  If you look closely at the second picture above, you can see a cucumber as well!  There's something about cherry tomatoes and summer that go hand and hand for me.

Inspired by Brian Chesky's post, 7 rejections.  He shares a few of the rejection letters from five potential early investors to Airbnb (he didn't hear back from the other two).  A reminder that not everyone will see the greatness in what you do, but it doesn't mean you should quit.

Brainstorming ways to make the transition to school a bit easier for my 5 year old daughter.  Kindergarten days are long and new schools take a while to get used to.

Amazed by the beauty of these film photographs.  Photographer Meagan Abell found a box of vintage film negatives in a thrift shop in Richmond, Viriginia. She has launched a campaign to find the photographer and the models in the photographs.  And it looks like she may be close to finding her answers.

Listening to my new favorite podcast - Magic Lessons by Elizabeth Gilbert.  She seeks to create "road maps for the path to creativity, the extra nudge you need when you're feeling stuck." If you are a creative person, you will find so many words of wisdom in these episodes.

Sad to hear that CVS has officially stopped developing film.

Discovered the blog of Staci Lee Kennelly, a life developing, and lost of few hours looking at her photographs.

I've never tried 8x10 polaroids, but these portraits definitely have me intrigued. 

What have you enjoyed this month?


August Layouts with Paislee Press


Week In The Life Recap